Mar 25, 2020
Digimon: Digital Monsters Ep 25: "Princess Karaoke"
Join us for a trip into the Digital World as we try and explain Saban's late 90's return to anime to AJ, and all the giant hands, derpy dinosaurs, and David Bowie impersonators within.
The Samurai Pizza Cast is Andrew Power, AJ Moralas, and Miriam Gibson
Mar 18, 2020
SPC Ep 20:"Drumming Up Trouble With A Big Bad Beat"
Nothing says civil unrest like rhythmic drumming with intermittent scat singing! A charismatic robot takes over the townsfolk, but never mind that. Who's this guy claiming to be the late Batcat?
The Samurai Pizza Cast is Andrew Power, AJ Moralas, and...
Mar 11, 2020
SPC Ep 19: "Samurai Charm School"
Polly learns to be a "real lady", and we debut out new segment: "Soooo... are the Pizza Cats writers feminists? Or what's the deal with that exactly?" Spoiler: We don't really get a solid answer on this.
The Samurai Pizza Cast is Andrew Power, AJ Moralas, and Miriam Gibson
Mar 4, 2020
SPC Ep 18: "Speedy's Double-Time Trick"
Speedy Cerviche is trash! He's accidentally set up two dates at the same time like the dumb TV character he his. We try and figure out why Saban is working overtime to write out one potential ship, and Miriam and Andrew get deep into fashion critique.
The Samurai Pizza Cast is...